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New MD for AOP

Richard Reeves has been appointed Managing Director at the Association of Online Publishers (AOP).

Prior to his appointment by the AOP, Richard has been a consultant to a number of businesses of which the AOP was one.

Tim Faircliff, Executive Chairman at AOP, commented: “I am delighted to announce that Richard Reeves has been named Managing Director at the AOP. Richard previously held the position of Business and Commercial Development Consultant at the AOP, so has an excellent understanding of the organisation’s priorities and the issues affecting today’s premium publishers. With a wealth of experience in the digital media industry, Richard will bring valuable insights to the role, leading the evolution of the AOP and working closely with board members to develop and implement a three-year strategic plan.”

Richard Reeves, Managing Director at AOP, commented: “The world of digital publishing is rapidly evolving, and I am looking forward to working with the UK’s premium publishers to raise awareness of industry issues and drive the AOP’s agenda. We will continue to bring together thought leaders from across advertising and publishing to deliver valuable insights and combined with our industry research programme will provide a platform for our members to debate, share, and consult on key topics. As part of my initial focus, we will be pursuing a dialogue with similar international member organisations such as Digital Content Next (DCN) in the US, to explore potential collaborations.”

Jo Holdaway, Director of Strategic and Commercial Data, London Evening Standard, The Independent and i, commented: “Richard’s passion for premium digital publishing makes him excellently placed to lead the AOP and I am thrilled he has been appointed as Managing Director. His dedication to the industry and extensive experience combined with his drive and energy will ensure the AOP’s agenda is delivered to maximum effect and I look forward to working closely with him and the AOP team.”

Richard has worked within the media and advertising industry for over 30 years, holding senior roles across a variety of sectors including publishing, broadcast, events, digital content, and digital vendor technology businesses.