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New RSF report: Newspapers that never arrive!

Reporters sans Frontières has released a report, entitled “Newspapers that never arrive” which highlights practices that threaten press freedom.

New RSF report: Newspapers that never arrive!

The report sheds light on how governments, state institutions, powerful oligarchs and corporations obstruct print media distribution.

Methods used range from the printing stage (orchestrated shortages of newsprint paper, content surreptitiously substituted) to the delivery process (crippling import duties, arrests of delivery trucks) and finally to the point of sales (entire newspaper issues confiscated or bought up from newsstands).

Reporters sans Frontières says: “These practices threaten our access to diverse sources of information, essential nourishment needed to feed minds in a democratic society. RSF fights to protect our newspaper’s printers, transporters, distributors and retailers as they are all essential links in the long and complex press distribution chain.”

Read the full report here.