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New team at Advertising Association

The Advertising Association (AA) has announced two senior hires to complete a new management team at the Association, charged with delivering its agenda-setting strategy.

Karen Fraser and Ged Glover join the Advertising Association in June. Karen will lead the AA’s new research capability, while Ged joins as Commercial Director. The news follows Ian Barber’s appointment in April as Director of Communications to lead a new Industry Affairs team alongside Sue Eustace, Director of Public Affairs.

Tim Lefroy, the AA’s Chief Executive said: “We now have a fantastic, experienced group of people in place and our task is very clear: putting real authority and energy into the case for advertising as a contributor to the UK’s economic and social well-being.

Karen Fraser is a research entrepreneur with a background in advertising effectiveness. She founded the Ethical Reputation Index and more recently has acted as a research consultant to ESPN.

Ged Glover has worked in press, radio and outdoors sales, most recently at JCDecaux where he ran one of the core teams across advertising agencies, poster specialists and their clients.

Lefroy continues: “Now more than ever, our industry needs to understand consumers, stay close to what policy makers are thinking and demonstrate the value we bring. That’s what this team will be doing on behalf of all of those that commission, create and carry advertising.”

About the Advertising Association

The AA says: “The Advertising Association (AA) represents all sides of the advertising and promotion industry in the UK - advertisers, agencies and the media. The advertising industry is worth £19 billion, and forms some 7% of the economy. The AA’s remit is to promote and protect advertising, by communicating its commercial and consumer benefits. The AA seeks optimal regulatory environment for the industry. Its goal is that advertising should enjoy responsibility from its practitioners, moderation from its regulators and trust from its consumers.”