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New version of WoodWing Enterprise simplifies reuse of online content in print

With the new version 9.5 of its multi-channel publishing system Enterprise, WoodWing simplifies reusing online content in print, enabling users to tailor their stories to channel specific requirements.

Enterprise 9.5 simplifies reusing online content in print, enabling users to tailor their stories to channel specific requirements.

The new version also offers significant performance improvements, enhanced support of remote contributors as well as compatibility with latest operating and third-party systems, including Drupal 8, says WoodWing.

Roel-Jan Mouw, CEO of WoodWing Software, said: “With the new version of Enterprise, we help publishers to easily reuse online stories in print, enabling them to significantly increase editorial efficiency and maximize monetization of content.”

In a multi-channel publishing or communications workflow, the same story is used in multiple publication channels. However, each channel has its own rules and restrictions, such as text formatting, writing style, article length, image quality and more. For example, an article published on the Web cannot be reused in print or for tablets without appropriate adaption to the specific requirements of print and tablet layouts.

WoodWing says: In Content Station 9.5, the editorial management application of Enterprise, the online content can be easily repurposed when creating a new article for print. A complete online story can be dragged and dropped onto an InDesign template with object styles applied. As a result, the entire story will automatically be formatted during placement, based on the various components in the story, such as header, body, caption and so forth – a huge time-saver when publishers repurpose existing content.

These features leverage both WoodWing’s Smart Connection plug-in for InDesign and the Publish Forms of Content Station.

Once the article is created, its title can be re-written in the style of the print publication, the length of the body text can be adjusted to ensure copy fit, and additional article components and high-resolution images can be added as needed. The content of the Web story remains untouched.

WoodWing says it always strives to enable its customers access to the latest systems and technologies. Enterprise 9.5 already supports Drupal 8, which is currently available only as a beta version. In addition to PHP 5.4, Enterprise now supports PHP 5.5, and the Smart Connection plug-in now is compatible with the Adobe CC 2014.

“Although online first is widely accepted among magazine and newspaper publishers, print is still the cash cow for many of them,” said Roel-Jan Mouw, CEO of WoodWing Software. “With the new version of Enterprise, we help them to easily reuse online stories in print, enabling publishers to significantly increase editorial efficiency and maximize monetization of content.”

According to WoodWing, other benefits of Enterprise 9.5 include:

Better support of remote editors

External users of any editorial system, who work at remote locations and are connected through a slow connection, can suffer from reduced performance when working on large articles. To increase speed, Enterprise 9.5 now enables articles to be automatically compressed and decompressed during transmission in a fully transparent manner. Files can then be compressed to 10% of their original size.

Improved support of Asian and Arabic languages

Enterprise continues to improve support for Asian and Arabic languages. Content Station 9.5 now supports Malayalam, a language spoken by more than 30 million people in India. Fonts for this language work differently than any custom-installed font and require specific support to work properly. Content Station also offers enhanced support of “right to left” languages – as an example, in this version, the keyboard navigation by the arrow keys is also reversed.