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News brands to boost revenue with new Course Board platform

Two of the UK’s leading news brands are aiming to boost their online recruitment activity and drive up revenue by providing a better way for professionals to find training courses.

The new Guardian Courses and Telegraph Courses sites will help the publishing giants monetise their audience by advertising courses to their online audience using a more targeted approach.

Both sites are powered by Madgex’s new Course Board platform, which offers a range of features which not only improves the user experience, it also increases revenue opportunities for the site owner, says Madgex. These include extensive sales inventory, content integration, superior SEO capabilities and powerful search technology, all packaged to fit brand guidelines.

“The Telegraph already advertised courses online, but we decided to go with Madgex as it offers a far more sophisticated platform, which works seamlessly with our job board" explains Alex Jones, Head of Specialist Sales at Telegraph Media Group.

“Our new course board helps us to broaden our services, strengthen our online recruitment activity and drive revenue. We believe this new platform will also benefit our clients by enabling them to advertise their courses to a targeted audience, who in turn will benefit from personalised training, which them help them improve their skills and develop their career."

Madgex CEO Tom Ricca-McCarthy said: “It’s fantastic for Madgex to have validation from two iconic UK news brands. The Course Board platform will help them extend and strengthen their online recruitment activity, deepen the engagement with their audience and provide additional revenue.”

Marketing courses in such an intelligent, targeted way will benefit all parties, says Madgex. It provides better career development for the professional, a greater take-up rate for the course provider, and an increase in advertising revenue for the publisher.

It’s also a way of tapping into a new market as not everyone is looking for a job, but most people will need training at some point in their career.

“Whether that person is looking to become more senior in their current role or they want a change in career – the Course Board platform can help,” says Ricca-McCarthy.

“In addition, those visiting the courses site may end up on the job seekers site, and vice versa. Both complement each other, which will provide incremental traffic.”

According to Madgex Commercial Director James Lancaster, the launch of the Course Board platform is about much more than providing new products. It is the company’s latest step towards becoming more integrated with its clients’ wider business aims.

“Madgex is evolving from a company that specialises in job board technology into one that offers a complete career management solution,” he said.

“Our next iteration is aimed at getting more involved in the education and professional development market place. It’s about continually coming up with ways our clients can increase their engagement with their online audiences and monetise this interaction.”