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News brands unite to boost nation

Special cover wraps and home page takeovers to promote the booster jab campaign ran across national newspapers yesterday and will run across regional news brands today.

News brands unite to boost nation
Jo Allan: “It’s absolutely fantastic to see news brands coming together to boost the nation over the festive period.”

The cover wraps and homepage takeovers encourage everyone over 18 in the UK to get their booster jab and everyone over 12 to get their second Covid vaccine.

They also encourage readers to test themselves before going out Christmas shopping or visiting family and friends.

The content was carried across yesterday’s national news brands with regional news brands set to follow suit today.

This is part of the news industry’s All Together partnership with the UK government to provide vital information to the nation about COVID-19.

Commenting on the latest All Together campaign, Newsworks CEO Jo Allan said: “It’s absolutely fantastic to see news brands coming together to boost the nation over the festive period.

“This fabulous industry effort across print and digital will help readers to protect themselves and their families against COVID-19.”

Click here to see the full gallery of the All Together booster campaign from across national and regional print and digital news brands.

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