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News UK titles raise over £1.3m

News UK titles raised over £1.3m for charity with their 2018 Christmas campaigns.

News UK titles raise over £1.3m

As reported by News UK:

The Times, which pledged its support to four charities, choosing those working to address some of the world’s most urgent problems, raised nearly £830,000 for Mercy Corps, Surfers Against Sewage, St Mungo’s and Cyrenians.

The Sunday Times, which launched its campaign Homeless in Britain to support Crisis, raised almost £385,000.

The Sun raised over £100,000 for Bliss, the leading UK charity dedicated to babies born premature and sick, with its Light Up Christmas campaign.

The Sun on Sunday raised over £6,500 for Children with Cancer.

The Scottish Sun raised £28,000 through its Christmas charity shop for three charities, Rainbow Valley, Mary’s Meals, and Scotland’s Hospices Together.

Unruly’s donation of media to One to One helped to donate 100,000 meals to the British Red Cross.