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NewsLifeMedia selects SPRYLAB’s Purple DS platform

NewsLifeMedia, a division of Australia’s largest media company News Corp Australia, has appointed SPRYLAB technologies to publish their digital magazine content on Purple DS.

The titles include flagship brands such as Vogue Australia, Vogue Living, GQ Australia, and delicious. NewsLifeMedia publishes market leading magazines in Australia across key consumer categories of food, style and home.

NewsLifeMedia selected Purple DS based on its innovative features and its ability to produce interactive native mobile and tablet apps for iOS and android without the need for any technical coding. This approach allows both small and large editorial teams the ability to create aesthetically optimised content, with minimum impact on time and resource, says SPRYLAB.

Purple DS will deliver enhanced publishing workflows, from manually created pixel perfect through to semi-automated content delivery using SPRYLAB’s Templating Client. By using SPRYLAB’s Templating Client, NewsLifeMedia will create mobile and tablet optimised interactive digital magazines of Vogue Australia, Vogue Living and GQ Australia.

All apps will be available for iOS and android and include over 600 back editions migrated from their old platform.

Commenting on the decision to engage SPRYLAB technologies, NewsLifeMedia’s Product Manager for Digital Editions, Danielle Stevenson, said: “We are excited to work with SPRYLAB technologies in publishing our market leading magazines on their Purple DS platform. Their streamlined workflows will allow us to publish native apps for our customers mobile and tablets devices.”

Commenting on the engagement, York Walterscheid, Global Director Sales at SPRYLAB technologies, said: “Our team is thrilled to be partnering with NewsLifeMedia – a globally renowned and highly regarded publisher. We look forward to produce and publish all of their great digital titles on Purple DS and to have the chance to collaborate on new ways of efficient publishing and monetization.”