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NewsPro reaches landmark membership figure

NewsPro Retail Group, the Fed’s newspaper and magazine category service, has reached an important milestone with the recruitment of its 1,500th member.

NewsPro reaches landmark membership figure
Welsh retailer Vince Malone said: “With NewsPro helping set my range I have seen magazine sales steadily grow.”

NewsPro is a free Federation of Independent Retailers member benefit that equips news retailers with all the professional skills and knowledge they require to manage the challenging newspaper and magazine categories.

Ongoing support includes range reviews, improved availability, promotional opportunities and access to market information and performance figures, so members can make money, save money and make business easier.

On average, a retailer will enjoy a £500 cashflow saving through joining and group members regularly outperform their colleagues when it comes to magazine sales and availability, as well as having fewer instances of refused credit from news wholesalers for missing return dates. As ranges are fixed, NewsPro retailers can be assured of no unwanted product, says the group.

NewsPro’s development manager Jerry Hayes said: “This is a great achievement, and I am delighted that from a standing start, NewsPro now boast 1,500 members. The retailer to hold this prestigious number is Manmohan Arora, from Andover in Hants. This fact that NewsPro continues to be so well received shows that independent retailers recognise the difference that belonging to this news group can make to their businesses and it is great to see members benefiting as a result.”

Welsh retailer Vince Malone, of Tenby Stores in Tenby said: “With NewsPro helping set my range I have seen magazine sales steadily grow.”

NewsPro continues to evolve, says the group, with a pre ordering service about to launch, which will initially focus on collectables.

Since 2022, the group has worked closely with a number of magazine distributors to help members increase sales on a range of market leading publications. One of these distributors is Frontline.

Frontline’s national account manager Steve Rogers said: “We have worked closely with NewsPro since March 2022, running a series of promotions focused on our biggest seasonal campaigns, such as gardening in Spring. Members have benefited from some strong sales uplifts, demonstrating that the magazine category still has scope for growth when the promotional offer is right for the consumer. For many decades magazines have maintained a 25 per cent sales margin and continue to invest in both product development and the independent sector. We would encourage retailers to support NewsPro, and to share in the opportunity afforded by magazines.”

Mr Hayes added: “I would urge any retailer who is passionate about the news and magazines category to become a Newspro member and benefit from its range of services, from range management to promotional activities and customised magazine displays.”

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