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Newsquest launches new daily newspaper for Droitwich

Newsquest Media Group, one of the UK’s leading regional media groups, launched the Droitwich News in Worcestershire on September 10th.

It will be an edition of the Worcester News covering the spa town of Droitwich and will consist of eight change pages each day. New staff have been recruited, and there will be special emphasis on user generated copy and pictures, says Newsquest.

The new paper has been welcomed by the local community and discussions are taking place about a series of columns from local organisations. The Worcester News already has a sizeable sale in Droitwich but believes it can increase that by a more focused approach to coverage for local people.

Droitwich is about a quarter of the size of Worcester and Worcester News Editor Peter John said the company believed it deserved a local newspaper of its own and had identified the town as having strong potential for sales and advertising growth. Newsquest already produces a free weekly newspaper for the town, the Droitwich Advertiser, but the daily Droitwich News will greatly increase news, sport and information services to townspeople.

The Droitwich News launches with special competitions and promotional activity at the town’s two main supermarkets and at the annual Salt Festival, which attracts more than 10,000 visitors every year.