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NewstrAid asks industry colleagues to take on a Chilly Challenge

Industry charity NewstrAid is challenging the newspaper and magazine trade to set a personal goal for the new year and use it to fundraise for colleagues who are facing hardship this winter.

NewstrAid asks industry colleagues to take on a Chilly Challenge
Neil Jagger: “I have already started fundraising for my own 100km challenge.”

Whether you have pledged to complete 10,000 steps every day in January, are determined to make it from couch to 5K or have even started to train for your first triathlon, the charity is asking colleagues to set up a fundraising page so that they can combine their personal challenge with raising money in aid of NewstrAid’s work.

NewstrAid’s CEO Neil Jagger said; “At this time of the year we know that everyone is making New Year’s resolutions and trying to get more active after Christmas so we thought we would try and harness some of this enthusiasm. Fundraising is a great motivator and so we are asking people to combine their New Year’s resolutions with raising money for a good cause.”

The charity has set up a Just Giving campaign page and participants can set up their own fundraising page linked to the campaign by clicking on the ‘start fundraising’ button.

Last year NewstrAid helped more than 1000 people from the industry who were in need or distress and every penny raised as part of the Chilly Challenge will be used to help colleagues who are going through a tough time in 2022, says the charity.

Neil Jagger added: “I have already started fundraising for my own 100km challenge and I hope lots of our industry friends will join me before the end of February to take on their own Chilly Challenge this winter.”

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