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NewstrAid highlights support available

With recent extreme weather conditions, NewstrAid is highlighting the support available to those from the industry.

NewstrAid highlights support available
Katie Babooram: “There are a number of ways NewstrAid can support those facing hardship as a result of the extreme weather we have all been experiencing."

As many parts of the country try to recover from the recent floods and temperatures nationwide plummet, industry charity NewstrAid are highlighting the support they can offer to people from the newspaper and magazine industry who are coping with the extreme weather conditions.

Welfare manager for NewstrAid, Katie Babooram, said: “There are a number of ways NewstrAid can support those facing hardship as a result of the extreme weather we have all been experiencing. For flood victims this includes advice and signposting to help in your local area as well as one-off financial support should you have to move into temporary accommodation, or replace damaged essential items such as white goods.”

Katie Babooram added: “Having your possessions/ business ruined by adverse weather can seriously affect your mental health. Our wellbeing helpline is available 24/7 with qualified counsellors ready to chat and help you through a number of wellbeing related issues. Call free on 0808 196 2016.”

NewstrAid says it is unable to help with business related costs such as replacing stock and paying staff wages, but may be able to help those facing financial hardship as a result of business closure.

The charity has also confirmed that their Cost of Living Crisis Fund will continue into 2024 to support those from the newstrade who are struggling to cover the cost of their household bills over the winter months.

Katie Babooram concluded: “We know when the weather is as cold as it has been recently this can be a real pinch point for anyone worrying about staying warm and covering the cost of their bills. That is why we are continuing to offer support through our Cost of Living Crisis Fund which was launched back in 2022. Full details can be found on our website."

NewstrAid says this is not the first time it has offered support to victims of adverse weather conditions as the following beneficiary stories outline. (NB beneficiary names have been changed).

Flood Support

Retailer Seema was forced to close her shop for 14 weeks following terrible flooding in her area. She lived away from the shop and had a mortgage in place for her home, which thankfully was not affected by the flooding. She was trying her best to keep on top of her bills, but with her only source of income closed she fell behind on priority bills, including her mortgage. This put huge amounts of pressure on her and she was already struggling emotionally due to other life events.

NewstrAid awarded financial support to help with living costs and mortgage payments whilst her shop was closed. NewstrAid also funded some counselling sessions for Seema to help get her back on her feet.

Cold Weather Cost of Living Support

Beth contacted NewstrAid because she was facing arrears on her household rent and utility bills due to the cost of living crisis. In an attempt to keep her bills down she was trying not to put the heating on but the change in the weather meant the house was freezing and was starting to affect her health.

Beth was encouraged to complete a Cost of Living Crisis Fund application form and once assessed by the NewstrAid team, she was successfully awarded a grant immediately to help cover her bills over the winter months.

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