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NFRN announces new Chief Operating Officer

The NFRN has appointed Greg Deacon as its new chief operating officer.

NFRN announces new Chief Operating Officer
Greg Deacon joins from Camelot where he is currently head of field sales.

Greg Deacon will take up his new position at the Federation’s head office in London on Monday September 9.

Commenting National President Stuart Reddish said: “I am delighted to announce that Greg Deacon is joining the NFRN as chief operating officer and we look forward to him taking up his new appointment next month.

“Greg has worked closely with the NFRN for many years, firstly when he was employed in the news industry, working for the Daily Telegraph and for News UK and more latterly at Camelot where he heads up the field sales force so he understands the challenges facing independent retailers.

“Greg joins at an exciting time for the NFRN as we come out of our centenary year and shape the next stage of our development.

“He has a wealth of experience of the industry, huge enthusiasm and a proven track record of achievement which equips him well to represent the interests of independent retailers.

“Greg will be a real asset to the NFRN and I, the national executive committee, national finance committee, national council and senior management all look forward to working with him.”

Mr Deacon said: “I am equally excited to be joining the NFRN at the back end of its centenary and I am looking forward to representing members and working with the Federation’s trade partners to better equip independent retailers to face the challenges and opportunities of the future.”

He joins from Camelot where he is currently head of field sales.