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NFRN applauds Sun on Sunday

News of a 10p cover price rise on the Sun on Sunday which is accompanied by a pro rata increase in retail margins has been warmly welcomed by the NFRN.

NFRN applauds Sun on Sunday

From Sunday, the price of the paper increases to £1.20 and retailers will now receive 25.2p per copy – an extra 2.1p for every copy sold.

New NFRN National President Mike Mitchelson said: “One of the presentations at our Annual Conference earlier this week was entitled News Still Matters and we were delighted to hear Chris Hughes, News UK’s Head of Retail Sales, stressing the importance of the sector and detailing initiatives being undertaken to ensure the survival of the home delivered copy.

“Now, News UK is demonstrating that news retailers still matter and accompanying this latest price increase with pro rata terms is a great confidence booster for Sun on Sunday stockists.

“Pro rata terms are crucial in a time of ever increasing overheads so News UK is to be applauded for this move and I will be urging members to give the Sun on Sunday their full support.”