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NFRN applauds the Telegraph

The NFRN has given its thanks to, and urged its members support for, the Telegraphs stable of titles.

This follows an announcement that pro rata retailer terms are to be maintained alongside a 10p (€0.10) price rise on its Saturday and Sunday titles in the UK and Ireland.

Sam Whiteside, Chairman of the NFRN’s Newstrade Operations Committee, said: “The NFRN fully understands that publishers are being challenged by rising prices for print and other inflationary increases that put them under immense pressure to manage costs. It is, therefore, all the more pleasing that the Telegraph has maintained faith with pro rata terms for retailers, alongside what is a modest, but nonetheless, welcome price increase on the Saturday and Sunday titles. Not only does this demonstrate the Telegraph’s understanding that retailers too are experiencing higher costs, which with a fixed price product means that the only way of maintaining retailers’ income is through pro rata terms, but the Telegraph is banking on maintaining retailer support as a means of protecting its sales.”

“On behalf of the NFRN’s members, I thank and applaud the Telegraph for this decision and have no hesitation in urging all members to give their support to the sales of the Telegraphs stable of titles.”