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Northern Echo launches new business supplement

The Northern Echo has launched a 12-page Business IQ supplement which will be published each Wednesday.

Northern Echo launches new business supplement

Edited by business and commercial editor Mike Hughes, the publication is part of the newspaper rebranding all its business coverage under the Business IQ brand.

Introducing the supplement in an article he wrote for the Echo, Hughes wrote: “With so much happening in businesses across the North East, the Northern Echo is being as bold as ever to keep you on top of all the changes, the contracts, the jobs, the boosts and the blows.”

He added, “We’re also planning live events, and panel discussions with the partners in our Level Up campaign.

“More business and more focus in the fastest-changing region in the UK.”

Echo editor Karl Holbrook told HTFP, “This year we’ve made business a big focus of ours, because it is so important to ensure we are a vocal champion of all the great businesses across the North East and North Yorkshire at this crucial time.

“Earlier in the year we appointed Mike Hughes as our business and commercial editor and he has been exceptional in growing the sort of coverage we think the region desperately needs.

“This latest launch of our new 12-page weekly supplement under our Business IQ brand, which already includes our daily coverage and quarterly magazine, is another giant leap in that evolution.”

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