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Nov/Dec issue – takeaways

James Evelegh's editorial from today’s edition of InPubWeekly.

By James Evelegh

Nov/Dec issue – takeaways

The Nov/Dec issue of InPublishing magazine was mailed out on Friday.

There’s lots to enjoy in the issue, including a review of our first roundtable.

Seven of the key takeaways for me were:

1. The renewal process should start on day #1 of a new subscription. Congratulate them on their great choice, tell them what they need to do and get them engaged; and then keep checking and communicating throughout their subscription. 2. Society is too quick to take offence. Should an editor really lose their job because of a misjudged attempt at humour in private correspondence? 3. Nothing beats deep engagement with your readers; it takes effort and it’s easy to find reasons not to, but that relationship should be the foundation stone of your publishing strategy. 4. Western democracies must guard against complacency and resist encroachment into cherished freedoms. Press freedom is threatened by a US president that repeatedly calls the press THE enemy of the people. 5. Over familiarity breeds sloppy reporting. How objective can you be when you’re on first name terms with the person you’re writing about; Boris for instance. 6. Beware the HIPPO (highest paid person’s opinion). What do you do when, with an imminent new digital launch, the HIPPO is clearly wrong. Keep your head down or speak up? If you want a successful product, then obviously the latter, politely but firmly. 7. For all the digital bells and whistles of 21st century publishing, there are few skills worth mastering more than good old shorthand. That, and touch typing.

There’s loads more and, in my entirely objective opinion, the issue is worth reading cover to cover. If you would like to be added to the free mailing list for future issues of InPublishing magazine, then please register here.