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NRS unveils first estimates for ‘i’

The National Readership Survey (NRS) has unveiled the first readership estimate for ‘i’, the morning newspaper launched last November by the publishers of The Independent.

This Early Estimate provides the market with topline readership data for ‘i’, and will greatly assist planning and buying decisions for the new title pending the release of its full data by NRS.

Early Estimates allow NRS to publish data for new titles ahead of a full data release; an Early Estimate can be published on a minimum unweighted sample size of 100 average issue readers, rather than the minimum of 175 required for a full release.

The Early Estimate shows average issue readership for All Adults, Social Grades ABC1, Social Grades C2DE, Age 15 to 44, and Age 45-plus.

Mike Ironside, Chief Executive, NRS, said: “I am delighted that we are able to release an Early Estimate for ‘i’. By doing so we can provide the market with valuable topline data on the readership of this new national newspaper without having to wait for the full release”

Jon O’Donnell, Group Commercial Director, i, said: “Considering we're a newspaper that's only 9 months old it's fantastic that the NRS have been able to provide us with an early sighting of our readership. It's clearly early days but it looks hugely encouraging”


 All Adults
Social Grade Age 
Population estimates 000s
Estimated AIR 000s368203165268100145223
Unweighted sample14874741133546102
% profile10055.244.872.8
% coverage0.


Source: NRS November 2010-May 2011

Note: For the duration of this period 'i' was measured by NRS as a 5-day (Mon-Fri) title.

Following the launch of a Saturday issue, from July 2011 it is being measured as a 6-day (Mon-Sat) title.