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Océ helps readers to compile their own newspaper

Claiming to be a world first, the individualised daily newspaper where readers choose their own content by downloading stories from regional, national and business newspapers and the internet was launched yesterday with Océ technology.

Océ, an international leader in digital document management, is part of a Berlin-based commercial operation called niiu that enables subscribers to select the content of their newspaper from a range of news providers via the web.

In this pioneering development that benefits readers and publishers, local news from a regional daily, business news from a financial website, the sports section from a national or international title, are printed overnight with new Océ colour technology and delivered to subscribers on a daily basis.

An Océ JetStream 2200 prints the individualised newspaper overnight. The first newspapers will be delivered today on the Océ stand at the Ifra Expo 2009 newspaper exhibition in Vienna.

This newspaper industry revolution has significant benefits for both reader and publisher. Readers select the news they want to read at no cost and publishers can target commercial advertising based on reader choice. This initiative, which has the potential to change the way information is accessed and absorbed, is also an initiative aimed at getting more young people to read newspapers.

InterTi cooperates with leading German titles like Bild, Handelsblatt and Tagesspiegel and with international titles like The New York Times, Washington Times and Komsomolskaya Pravda (Russia). In addition, personalised information is available from web-only content such as blogs and RSS feeds. The variable content is united into an individualised personal newspaper through a web-based platform realised by InterTi GmbH in cooperation with Swiss software company Previon AG.

Wanja S. Oberhof, the co-founder of “niiu”, said: “Even young people prefer to read on paper. With the “niiu” concept we bridge the gap between web and print. “niiu” provides considerable benefits for publishers and advertisers. Publishers can attract new young readers by repurposing content, and advertisers draw advantages from highly selected and target group-specific advertising. While Germany’s capital Berlin is the first market for “niiu”, it is planned to expand the concept to other metropolises such as Hamburg or Munich.”

Market leader Océ pioneered the digital newspaper market with its Digital Newspaper Network. More than 20 million copies have been produced globally since 2001. The newspapers will be produced on an Océ JetStream 2200. With a line speed of 150 m/min, the Océ JetStream 2200 has the capacity to produce more than 2,000 36-page tabloid newspapers per hour.

Sebastian Landesberger (pictured), Executive Vice President, Océ Production Printing, said: “Océ has patented the concept of personalised newspapers and founded the Digital Newspaper Network. The introduction of the Océ JetStream family of colour inkjet presses has opened new markets such as domestic production of short-run titles or personalised newspapers with 10,000 or more copies. As a partner of the “niiu” project, Océ is once again a pioneer in the digital newspaper market. We are convinced of the potential of this exciting new business concept and intend to fully support.”