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olive to include Sustainable Restaurant Association ratings

olive magazine is to carry ratings from the Sustainable Restaurant Association, the first UK food magazine to do so.

The Sustainable Restaurant Association provides consumers with information on the provenance of the food on offer and provides a rating system across 14 areas of sustainability.

The food title’s ‘Pro versus Punter’ review of Mari Vanna in its August issue is the first feature to carry the rating with the restaurant receiving a 4.5/10 rating. Every month olive’s reviews will be accompanied by a rating and information from the SRA, providing readers information on the sustainability of restaurants featured in the magazine.

According to olive’s features editor Liz Edwards: “We are delighted to be the first food magazine the SRA has partnered with.  We are as serious about eating well and with a conscience as our readers, and it is our responsibility to inform without lecturing. The SRA offers a great service in providing the facts so that readers may make informed choices.”

According to Mark Linehan, managing director of the Sustainable Restaurant Association: “Consumers are becoming ever more discerning and want the tools to make informed choices when picking their dining destination. Working with olive in this way means the SRA can communicate that information to more people.”