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Oneshot: Saturn: Exploring The Ringed Planet

Saturn: Exploring The Ringed Planet, a oneshot from Pole Star Publications, goes on sale 5 September, priced £9.99.

According to distributors COMAG: Published by the successful team at Astronomy Now magazine, Saturn: Exploring The Ringed Planet will investigate the sixth planet from the sun, the second largest and most iconic.

Aimed at anyone with even the slightest interest in astronomy or science, Saturn: Exploring The Ringed Planet is devoted to the most beautiful planet in the Solar System.

Introducing readers to the planet, 196-page Saturn: Exploring The Ringed Planet will look at the gas giant itself, many of its 62 named moons and of course, its wonderful rings.

Launched in 1997, the NASA Cassini-Huygens spacecraft entered Saturn’s orbit in 2004 and has taken hundreds of thousands of images in its more than 11 years circling the ringed planet.

With hundreds of amazing pictures, including many photos taken by the NASA Cassini mission, Saturn: Exploring The Ringed Planet will provide readers with a detailed and in-depth look at the planet, both externally and into its interior, to be the definitive guide to Saturn.

Through the eyes of NASA’s Cassini mission, readers will explore the moon Titan, fly through water-ice geysers on Enceladus, climb the mountains of Lapetus and much more.

There is no other planet quite like Saturn, making Saturn: Exploring The Ringed Planet an out of this world adventure that no self-respecting space enthusiast will want to miss!