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Owen Meredith starts as NMA CEO

Owen Meredith started as News Media Association chief executive yesterday with a pledge to work with Government and regulators to ensure a sustainable future for independent journalism which is “vital for democracy and the future of our country.”

Owen Meredith starts as NMA CEO
Owen Meredith: “An independent, free and plural press is vital for democracy and the future of our country.”

Yesterday was former PPA chief executive Owen’s first day in the role following a short handover period with David Newell who has retired.

Owen said: “This is an incredibly exciting and important time to be joining the NMA and I am thrilled to be doing so. With a raft of important legislation on the horizon, the NMA has a vital role in advocating for press freedom and quality journalism.

“An independent, free and plural press is vital for democracy and the future of our country. Whether national, regional, or local the news brands the NMA represents are investing in reliable journalism read by 92 per cent of adults in the UK, providing vital sources of trusted information in an age of disinformation and fake news.

“While news brands are reaching more people than ever before across print and digital platforms, the commercial reality is funding this vital journalism is increasingly challenging.

“We therefore welcome the Government’s commitment to delivering a level playing field that allows fair competition and brings tech giants who abuse their scale and power to heel, not least through the creation of the Digital Markets Unit. I look forward to working with the Government to ensure the legal and regulatory framework delivers fairness, promotes competition and supports sustainable independent journalism.”

NMA chairman Henry Faure Walker said: “I believe that Owen will be a tremendous asset to the news media industry and we are very much looking forward to working with him on delivering on the NMA’s key strategic objectives.

“It is a challenging but exciting time for our sector and the NMA has an important role to play in helping to build a sustainable future for journalism in this country. Owen’s skills, expertise and knowledge of the sector will be invaluable in furthering this cause.”

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