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PageSuite develops Kiosk App for Egmont Publishing’s FLIPP

PageSuite has announced the launch of three separate ‘FLIPP’ apps for each of Egmont’s Publishing divisions in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

PageSuite develops Kiosk App for Egmont Publishing’s FLIPP

Each of the FLIPP apps is customisable and contain multiple magazine titles designed to be read by a range of audiences.

The technology enables readers to create ‘profiles’ so that multiple users can personalise the publications they see within the app. For example, a reader can ‘favourite’ a specific title and only these will appear when they select their own profile within the app. The app can be accessed on five different devices at any one time making it ideal for families, says PageSuite.

Peter Lund-Sørensen, Head of Data & Insights at Egmont Publishing said; “We chose PageSuite to develop the upgrade to our FLIPP apps after reviewing several European companies. We valued the features and roadmap of PageSuite’s platform. In addition, PageSuite was very positive about co-developing a comprehensive API-solution for the communication between the app and backend. Furthermore, we needed to reduce risk as much as possible as we already had many users in the first version of FLIPP – and PageSuite’s operation proved as expected to be honouring this.”

Content is locked down and requires a subscription to be viewed. However, readers are able to read the first five pages of each publication via a metering model so that they can sample content before purchasing. Currently all users are offered a free one-month trial and are then required to pay a set amount per month for unlimited access to their publications.

According to PageSuite, the app has been designed with readers in mind to ensure they are delivered a superior reading experience. Readers can search publications by category, search for specific content within a publication, view and access downloads as well as bookmark individual pages to access at a later date.

Links / further reading: PageSuite