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Paper: A Good Friend in Changing Times

Denmaur’s Danny Doogan urges publishers not to give up on paper, as it has inherent qualities that digital can’t replicate.

By Danny Doogan

Paper: A Good Friend in Changing Times

It seems that wherever you look at present, everyone is having to deal with the same issues when it comes to raw materials, component parts, deliveries and prices. I don’t like to use the term ‘perfect storm’ because there is certainly nothing perfect about this situation, but with energy price hikes, insufficient logistical capacity, demand outstripping supply in many instances and all against a backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, it is difficult to find much that is good news at the moment.

The paper industry has not been immune from these issues and the publishing sector has seen elements of this in the past, but not necessarily all at once and perhaps not as challenging as it is currently.

Capacity is affected by the on-going war on single use plastics and April this year sees the introduction of the Plastic Packaging Tax. Paper fibre products are already replacing what was once a plastic, PE lined and even poly-wrap packaged product, and so the demand on paper pulp, and so its price, remains high.

So, although this is going to be yet another challenging year, from many directions, this is not the time to give up on producing the printed word!

Two things to bear in mind.

Firstly, there are many terms for it, but it is likely that we are approaching (if not there already) the ‘law of diminishing returns’ on society’s appetite to consume more digital media – the use of screens for virtual meetings and messaging, internet shopping and the endless choice of apps and games, movie and television media.

Digital media is hugely relevant in publishing, but studies show that paper media serves as a welcome break and certain advertising and articles are absorbed better when visualised on paper.

Secondly, if you still champion hard copy publications, then never forget there are still many choices of paper grades, weights and sources available. With many options that can offer reduced costs with subtle changes, substantially reduced costs with radical changes, there are several ways to explore how paper can positively impact your budget.

You can also use paper to convey your sustainability profile. Logos and statements from managed forestry schemes and carbon balancing projects can help identify your product, and your company, as environmentally aware – particularly important with readers and advertisers alike. Logos and explanations of how your paper is produced can often help when switching to alternative papers, but they’re equally as valid (if not already used) if you remain on your current paper stock.

Above all, it is important to have the expert advice on hand to guide you on the current state of the market and where the opportunities are – that’s where the real value is.

Studies show that paper media serves as a welcome break and certain advertising and articles are absorbed better when visualised on paper.

About us

Denmaur has been one of the established names in the print and publishing sectors since 1983. Today, Denmaur Paper Media has become one of the leading specialist paper suppliers in the UK, offering a comprehensive range of innovative and sustainable products to suit traditional and modern print processes.





This article was first published in the Publishing Partners Guide (PPG) 2022, which is published and distributed by InPublishing. You can register to receive InPublishing magazine here and view the digital edition of the PPG here.