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Paper plane wins real flight for magazine editor

Max Power’s Editor – Mark Guest – swept to victory in the Paper-Plane Grand Prix at the Specialist Media Show held recently at the Exec Centre in Peterborough.

So why were some of the country’s finest media and magazine luminaries squaring up to each other in a paper-plane throwing battle? David Alliston (pictured on the left), MD of magazine subscription fulfilment business AASM - and sponsor of the competition - explains: “First and foremost, it was a bit of fun. But I also wanted to demonstrate to the industry how our subscription and fulfilment service can help their magazines fly. Metaphorically that is.”

The metaphor clearly worked for those involved, but for Guest (pictured on the right), it becomes reality as he takes up his prize of a flying lesson. Of his win, he says: “I’m absolutely delighted to have come out on top. I’m lucky enough to handle some pretty powerful cars in my line of work, but to get behind the controls of a real plane is something I’m now seriously looking forward to.”

The Specialist Media Show is a trade forum for the specialist media industry – providing industry insight and opportunities for networking and idea sharing. Alliston again: “Visitors to the show need to sift through a huge variety of service providers, so it’s crucial to make your mark quickly and demonstrate how your business benefits visitors. Our own offer of magazine fulfilment and subscription management - although vital - can be seen as a little dull, although in reality, AASM is a highly contemporary business and we’re a fun bunch to work with!” Alliston seems to have proved his point with a hugely popular competition that provided a focus and talking point for many visitors.

So if you rate your skill in the art of paper-plane throwing, you might like to know that Guest’s winning throw was a whopping 25 metres. Time to raid the photocopier?