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Patrick Grice joins Independent Community Pharmacist

Patrick Grice has joined the editorial team of Independent Community Pharmacist as contributing editor.

Patrick Grice joins Independent Community Pharmacist

Patrick was editor of Chemist + Druggist (C+D) from 1997 to 2004. As well as day-to-day management of the title he was involved with Chemex and various C+D award programmes and conferences. He then moved ‘behind the scenes’ as projects director for the Pharmacy Group at UBM, where he worked on C+D Data and developed the C+D Training portfolio.

In 2014 Patrick left UBM to become a pharmacy consultant and writer, working with a number of PR companies on pharmacy training packages, conference coverage and other projects. Patrick has written a number of training modules for Wellards as well as providing First4Health’s medicines management training for care and nursing homes. He also helped PSNC Data Systems with the development and launch of Check34 and CheckRx, both of which are now available through the NPA.

Felim O’Brien, chief executive, Communications International Group, welcomed him to the team saying: “Patrick and I started our careers in pharmacy together at C+D and I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with him again. Patrick is a highly respected member of our profession and brings a wealth of experience to the title.”