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PCC publishes new guidance on reporting sexual offences

The Press Complaints Commission has published a new Guidance Note for editors and journalists on the reporting of court cases involving sexual offences.

The Note reminds editors of the provisions of the Editors' Code of Practice in this area (namely, Clause 7 (Children in sex cases) and Clause 11 (Victims of sexual assault); and explains how the requirements of the Code can best be met. The guidance includes specific reference to the dangers of jigsaw identification and contains links to relevant rulings to remind editors of the Commission's case law in this area.

Stephen Abell (pictured), Director of the PCC, said: "The anonymity of victims of sexual assault is absolutely paramount under the Code. Following several recent cases in which the Commission has found breaches of the Code, it felt it was important to produce the Note to minimise the risk of further mistakes being made. Although breaches are almost always inadvertent (and can result from the inclusion of a seemingly innocuous detail), the consequences can be so severe that it is right that the Commission has taken the initiative to draw together its thinking in this area. This forms part of the Commission's ongoing work to raise standards throughout the industry".

The Guidance Note has been published on the Commission's website here.

Other editorial Guidance Notes previously published by the Commission can be seen here.