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PCC releases six-monthly complainant satisfaction figures

The Press Complaints Commission has published the figures of its complainant satisfaction surveys for the period January-June 2011.

The PCC says: The results reveal that:

• Three quarters (75%) of respondents said that their complaint had been dealt with by the PCC either very well, well or satisfactorily;

• 92% of people who gave an opinion said our staff were either very helpful, helpful or satisfactory when dealing with them;

• 79% of those people who expressed an opinion about the PCC's website rated it as either 4 or 5 out of 5 for helpfulness of information. 90% of people who gave an opinion rated the website as 3 or more out of 5 for ease of use and navigation;

• Two thirds of people (66%) said that the length of time taken to deal with their complaint was ‘about right'.

To see the survey results, please click here.

PCC Director, Stephen Abell (pictured), commented: "I hope that these figures show the quality of work currently undertaken by PCC staff in dealing with complaints. This is what the PCC was set up to do, and it this work that needs to be built upon, as the process of reform of the system is considered. The PCC is committed to driving that reform in terms of its practical independence and remit".