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PCS launches new website

PCS, software developers for the publishing industry, has launched a brand new website and strengthened its IT infrastructure.

This comes at a time when the company is positioning itself to expand further into the magazine publishing market, after its many years of servicing the newspaper sector.

The new website is a dramatic shift for PCS, illustrating, says the company, how it is evolving along with the industry as publishers look at generating revenue from both print and digital.

The company has also invested over a quarter of a million pounds in hardware in order to benefit its customer base, who publish over 10,000 articles a day through the Knowledge editorial platform.

PCS, who has over 40 years of industry heritage, says it is already working with a number of magazine publishers to improve efficiencies in the editorial production workflow.

MD Phil Walker comments, “We are pleased with the new site and feel it is a reflection of the way PCS is growing. Knowledge, our flagship editorial content management platform, is delivering significant ROI for our customers in both time and money. Whilst we have dipped our toe in the water with magazine publishers, we now feel in a position to really push into that market with Knowledge. We have heavily invested in IT infrastructure over the last couple of years and 75% of our team are developers, so we can continually support our customers and grow our solutions.”