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PCS provides DC Thomson with centralised circulation solution

PCS has announced its latest partnership, with DC Thomson, for the supply and implementation of its NCS circulation system.

NCS will enable DC Thomson, publisher of newspapers, comics and magazines, to adopt a centralised IT solution for home news delivery and circulation across all of its newspapers. This includes two of the top ten performing UK titles Aberdeen Press and Journal (56,422) and The Dundee Courier (46,991).

NCS will be implemented in 2016 as a single system across DC Thomson’s sites in Aberdeen and Dundee, streamlining and creating efficiencies for newspaper circulation operations across the business. NCS is a comprehensive circulation, distribution and subscription management tool, designed to save publishers time and money by building and strengthening their relationships with their customers, says PCS.

PCS Sales Director Iain Smith said, “We always adopt a partnership approach with both existing and new clients. As a result, we have worked closely with the project team at DC Thomson to identify exactly how NCS can meet its circulation objectives and we are excited about the benefits they will achieve through such a centralised offering.”

The partnership also marks the coming together, says PCS, of two family organisations with vast amounts of heritage in the publishing industry. DC Thomson, owned by the Thomson family, have been publishing newspapers since 1886, while PCS is part of the Graham family’s Claverley Group of publishing companies, who have been involved in the industry for over 100 years.