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PDF publishes updated charter

On Monday, the Press Distribution Forum (PDF) announced the publication of an updated Press Distribution Charter together with a dedicated charter website.

PDF publishes updated charter

This third edition of the Charter is the result of a review conducted by the Press Distribution Review Panel (PDRP) under an independent Chairman who listened to the views of retailers.

PDF Chair John Howard commented: “I must say, it has been terrific to receive the input from Federation (NFRN) colleagues this time around. Our NFRN colleagues, as you would expect, have really come at this from a retailer perspective and all stakeholders have been impressed with this approach.”

A major benefit of the new charter has been the reduction in complaint resolution stages down from three to two. This change has been made to effect clearer understanding across the industry and to guide the complainant more swiftly to arbitration should the need arise, says the PDF.

The PDF says it understood retailers need access to the relevant information contained in the charter in an easy-to-follow way. In launching a dedicated website designed specifically for retailers, it hopes to better assist retailers in understanding the complaint process, guide them more swiftly to the answer they need and how to proceed further in resolving an issue.

The Press Distribution Forum will be distributing 37,000 postcard sized charter guides directly to retailers via their wholesaler plus a further 15,000 will be included with the NFRN publication The Fed.

The publication of third edition of the Charter confirms a renewed commitment by wholesalers, distributors and publishers to ensure retailers receive a good service, says the PDF.

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