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Peter Field: “Newsbrands continue to play a significant role.”

In the first published analysis of 2018 cases from the UK IPA Databank, Peter Field finds that newsbrands continue to grow in effectiveness and act as an amplifier to other media in multi-media campaigns.

Peter Field: “Newsbrands continue to play a significant role.”
Peter Field: “The results cement the continued importance of focusing on long-term brand building.”

Field’s latest analysis for Newsworks highlights newsbrands’ ability to drive significant business effects such as an increase in profit, sales, market share, customer acquisition, price sensitivity and brand loyalty, says Newsworks.

The multi-platform advantage of newsbrands emerges clearly, as campaigns using print and digital together are almost three times as effective as using just one platform – the impact of using both on business effects are also shown to increase over time.

According to Peter Field, the findings show that campaigns using multi-platform newsbrands are 50% more likely to drive customer acquisition and over three times more likely to deliver an increase in customer loyalty. These results lead to sustained growth, with campaigns that include both print and digital newsbrands 37% more likely to deliver market share growth and 58% more likely to drive profit.

Consistent with previous findings, Field shows that newsbrands are also a highly effective multiplier for other media. Newsbrands make TV 66% more effective, social media more than twice as effective and online video 81% more effective at delivering ‘very large’ business effects.

Against a background of short-termism, continues Newsworks, and a worrying decline in advertising effectiveness, Field finds that print is becoming more effective at driving business results, despite smaller budgets and a high incidence of short-term campaigns. Looking at the data for the six years prior to 2018, Field calculates that adding print creates a 41.5% uplift in business effectiveness, which suggests that the rush to digital is compromising campaign performance.

Unlike other online media, digital newsbrands play an increasing role in long-term campaigns and this is reaping business benefits. Field’s analysis confirms that digital newsbrands are considerably more effective at delivering ‘very large’ business effects in conjunction with other media, such as TV and social, than other online display. For example, adding online display to TV increases business effectiveness by 41% but adding digital newsbrands doubles the impact to an 82% uplift.

Field said: “In a disruptive media environment, this latest analysis shows that newsbrands continue to play a significant role in today’s media mix to ensure long-term brand success. The results cement the continued importance of focusing on long-term brand building and meaningful results, rather than purely short-term activations.”

Denise Turner, insight director at Newsworks commented: “We are delighted that Peter’s first published analysis of the 2018 cases looks at the role and performance of newsbrands within campaigns. Newsbrands have a powerful multi-platform advantage and now that we can isolate the specific impact of digital newsbrands, we can see that they bring significant long-term brand building advantage, distinguishing them from other online display. Once again, we have strong proof that print newspapers are working harder than ever and are a great weapon in the battle against short-termism.”

Newsworks’ latest IPA Databank work builds on previous data analysis dating back to 2012. The results are based on 146 UK cases from the IPA Effectiveness Awards. Success in terms of business effects is measured by a combination of sales, market share, price sensitivity, loyalty, customer acquisition and profit.

For more information, see IPA Databank Study 2019.