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Peter Phillips is new Chief Exec at CUP

The University of Cambridge has appointed Peter Phillips as the new Chief Executive of Cambridge University Press.

Peter Phillips (pictured) will take up his new post immediately following the recent change of role for Cambridge University Press’s previous Chief Executive, Stephen Bourne.

Peter’s appointment was made by the Press Syndicate, the Cambridge academics who supervise the affairs of the Press on behalf of the University. The Chief Executive of the Press also serves as Secretary to the Press Syndicate, accountable to the University for the performance of the organisation.

The Chairman of the Press Syndicate, Professor Tony Minson, commented: “The Press is integral to the University and its mission to advance education, learning and research around the world. Over the last decade Stephen Bourne has overseen a period of significant growth for the Press. The University was determined to appoint the right successor to Stephen, and we are confident that Peter Phillips has the vision, ability and track-record to lead the Press into its next phase.”

Peter has been Chief Operating Officer of the Press since 2010, where he has globalised its structure, transformed its operations and developed its strategy for the future. He has wide experience of global content industries, digital transformation and managing change in organisations with public purposes operating in commercial environments. He was previously on the Board of Ofcom, the UK’s regulator for communications and media, and at the BBC where, amongst other roles, he was Chief Operating Officer for BBC News and the BBC’s Director of Business Development.

Peter said: “I am thrilled and honoured to be entrusted with leading Cambridge University Press at this time of huge change and opportunity in our industry. Over more than four centuries, the Press has earned world-wide renown for its excellence in academic and educational publishing. Under Stephen Bourne’s leadership, the business has doubled in size. Building on those achievements through the exceptional talents of our people is a really exciting prospect.”