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PMLA to be published by Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press has reached an agreement with the Modern Language Association of America (MLA) to publish their flagship journal, PMLA.

PMLA to be published by Cambridge University Press
Mandy Hill: “This partnership brings together two organizations with long-standing commitments to the humanities.”

Since its launch in 1884, PMLA has published members’ essays judged to be of interest to scholars and teachers of language, literature, cultural studies, writing studies, and related disciplines. It is considered to be the pre-eminent journal in its field and one of the most important journals in the humanities.

The Press will partner with the MLA to publish the journal from 2021. Under the arrangement, the MLA will retain full oversight over the selection of PMLA content and the intellectual direction of the journal, continue to manage the journal’s rigorous peer review and editorial processes, and appoint the editor and board.

Mandy Hill, Managing Director of Academic Publishing at Cambridge University Press, said: “PMLA has set the benchmark for literary scholarship since its founding and we are both delighted and deeply honored to have been chosen by the MLA to partner in the publication of this illustrious journal.

“This partnership brings together two organizations with long-standing commitments to the humanities. In combining our strengths, we aim to allow the journal to continue to sustainably adapt to the changing landscape, reaching and remaining relevant to the vast global community of literary scholars.”

Paula Krebs, Executive Director of the MLA, said: “The MLA Executive Council and I are excited about the possibilities of this partnership with Cambridge University Press. The collaboration will expand the journal’s global reach and offer substantial resources for authors, editors, and readers.”

Mandy Hill added: “It is my firm belief that Cambridge is uniquely positioned to offer the tailored service that meets the needs of PMLA’s audience, alongside the cutting-edge technology, global reach and shared belief in publishing excellence required to support the next phase of the journal’s development.”