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PPA publishes results of industry-wide D&I survey

A new report published by the PPA today sees the results of the first-ever industry-wide diversity and inclusion survey, offering insight into representation and inclusion across the industry.

PPA publishes results of industry-wide D&I survey
Owen Meredith: “It provides us with the data we need to develop meaningful actions.”

Created with EA Inclusion, this is the first time the entire industry has united and committed to an initiative of this scale, and the PPA says it is proud to be leading in this key area.

The results of the survey will inform a new PPA D&I Working Group – which has supported the survey and report – and will now be made permanent to support industry initiatives on belonging and inclusion.

The PPA D&I Working Group will champion diversity initiatives and explore next steps for the industry based on the findings of the report, whilst informing ongoing work through an annual D&I report.

The PPA says it will continue to champion diversity, inclusion and belonging across the industry by sharing case studies and best practice to support members in implementing the necessary changes in their businesses.

PPA CEO Owen Meredith said: “The PPA committed to creating this survey as an important step on our journey to better understanding the barriers and challenges faced by different groups in our industry.

“This first report, which maps the results of our survey of more than 5,500 people, is an important milestone. It provides us with the data we need to develop meaningful actions, which can support and enhance the many D&I initiatives in place today across the industry.

“While the survey found our industry is broadly representative of the UK population as a whole, with more businesses based in London and other metropolitan centres, we do not adequately represent the communities in which our industry is based. It is incumbent upon us all to act to change this, not only at entry level as many successful schemes are already doing, but throughout the business with a focus on fostering a welcoming environment for all, retention and talent development.

“I am proud that the PPA has been able to bring our industry together in this way to deliver the survey and report providing us with clear and authoritative data from which we can strive to improve. I hope that as we move forward, more people working in publishing today will engage with the PPA and future surveys to ensure we build on this data and create an ever more complete picture.”

PPA Chairman and Executive Chairman of Immediate Media Co, Tom Bureau, added: “In establishing a permanent D&I Working Group at the PPA we have taken an important first step. The Group will help to put in place measures which support our industry to foster an ever-better culture of inclusion and belonging.

“The PPA Board are united in a commitment to share best practice across the industry and build on existing initiatives. We are determined to cultivate environments of inclusivity where every individual feels they truly belong, seeking to continually improve representation at all levels.”

The PPA said initial areas of focus for the D&I Working Group will include:

  1. Taking forward challenges highlighted in this year’s survey, sharing knowledge and best practice and showcasing these at PPA events and through a D&I hub on the PPA website
  2. Connecting existing employee groups through the PPA to bring diverse communities working across our industry together for networking and support
  3. Establishing key recommendations on tangible measures PPA members can take to foster welcoming environments for all staff members
  4. Promoting outreach to develop a broader recruitment pipeline
  5. Repeating the survey annually to track data over time, expanding the number of companies and individuals participating across the industry

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