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PPA welcomes Centaur back into membership

Business and specialist publishing company Centaur has rejoined the PPA.

The company will take an active role in the association’s Business Media Group, with chief executive officer Geoff Wilmot taking a seat on the board of the PPA Business Media Group.

Wilmot said: “The recent change of leadership at the PPA and its new strategic focus are welcome and Centaur wishes to support the PPA in its important role of representing and encouraging the development of our industry.”

Jerry Gosney, executive director of PPA’s Business Media Group, added: “Having Centaur back in the fold is a real fillip – a vote of confidence for our development strategy.

“We look forward to having Centaur couple up to our working groups and projects, designed to drive membership value across the association.”

Centaur produces weekly magazines including Marketing Week, The Lawyer and Money Marketing and monthlies such as Homebuilding & Renovating, Employee Benefits and Creative Review.  It also has a range of online products and a variety of exhibitions, conferences and awards.

Centaur recently issued an upbeat trading update to the City in which it reported a return to revenue growth and improved advertising conditions in the first four months of this year.

For more information on PPA membership please contact Nicola Rowe. For information on the PPA Business Media Group please contact Jerry Gosney.