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Press for Reform Website Launched

The NFRN has launched a dedicated Press for Reform website as it steps up its campaign to get what it sees as abuses in the newspaper and magazine supply chain investigated.

According to the NFRN, will contain up to the minute news and a chance for supporters to post their views as part of the campaign for a referral to the Competition Commission for a full Market Investigation into the way that national and regional newspaper publishers fix prices and margins and create monopoly distribution arrangements that threaten the survival of small stores.

Posters are currently going up within shops and a print petition has been launched. Both can be downloaded from the press for reform site.

NFRN National President Kieran McDonnell said: “The new Press for Reform website will enable newsagents everywhere to keep up with the campaign, express their views and show their support clearly and easily.”

(Pictured are NFRN National President Kieran McDonnell on the left, with Chairman of the NFRN’s Newtrade Operations Committee Sam Whiteside.)