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News audits site traffic

Printing industry news and community site is the latest Haymarket website to have its traffic figures independently verified to UK industry standards.

Independent watchdog ABC Electronic (ABCe) carried out its first audit of to standards set by media-industry body JICWEBS (the Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards in the UK and Ireland).

The audit, carried out in October 2008, showed 84,949 unique visitors looked at 677,410 pages over the month and made 197,735 visits to the site.

Wayne Morgan, digital publisher for said: “We are delighted to be able to verify our traffic levels with an industry standard benchmark. Our ABC Electronic certification sets us apart in the market as the number one website serving the UK print industry.”

“As a niche and very well-regarded product, it is absolutely right that has its website traffic verified through a recognised body,” he added. “The site has seen exponential growth over the last two years and whilst the figures look fantastic it can present the high

quality problem of maintaining confidence when keeping clients informed, this ABCe audit overcomes any potential challenges.”

The audit also showed that Printweek Jobs,’s site for print and packaging jobs, drew 24,477 unique users who looked at 312,069 pages in the same period.

ABC Electronic managing director Richard Foan said: “It is highly encouraging that is delivering both comparability and transparency by committing to having its site traffic figures independently verified to industry agreed standards."

“ABC Electronic audited figures continue to provide the online media industry with an important tool to support media buyers and advertisers in their buying decisions and for the market as a whole to demonstrate accountability of spend online.”

Other Haymarket Media Group sites to have been audited by ABCe are jobsites Jobs.brandrepublic and ThirdSectorJobs, and news and community sites, Brand Republic and the Haymarket Motoring Network, comprising,, and