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Procurement Leaders chooses SPRYLAB platform

Procurement Leaders has relaunched PLQ magazine and native app on SPRYLAB’s Purple DS platform.

Procurement Leaders is a global membership network specialising in serving the needs of senior procurement and supply chain executives through analysis, research, publications and events.

Procurement Leaders has recently relaunched its magazine, moving from a bi-monthly magazine to a quarterly publication called PLQ. The company has also launched its first native app on SPRYLAB’s Purple DS platform for the magazine. Until recently, the publication was only available in PDF format, however, with the redesign of the magazine the decision was made to move from a flat PDF to an app designed specifically for mobile and tablet devices.

The new app, which is available on iOS and Android, combines a newsstand with continuous publishing through a regularly updated newsfeed.

PLQ and the company’s other supplements are available through the newsstand, while the newsfeed is used to inform the procurement community on wider trends. Both issues and news articles are enhanced by several interactions and animations to improve user experience and are optimized for phones and tablets. Their new app uses SPRYLAB’s Purple DS Templating Client which allows publishers to create mobile and tablet optimised apps directly from their print InDesign files. The app also uses SPRYLAB technologies authentication service which allows Procurement Leaders to restrict certain parts of the app to existing customers.

John Rahim, Senior Marketing & Sales Manager of SPRYLAB technologies commented: “We are delighted that Procurement Leader’s decided to select our Purple DS publishing platform for the creation of their recently redesigned PLQ and Monitor Magazine. Procurement Leaders are the leaders within their field and the content which they produce is second to none.

Tim Burt, Editor at Procurement Leaders, commented: “We had been looking to change the digital edition of our PLQ magazine for a while as we felt only having a PDF version of our publication was not meeting the needs of our users. The redesign of PLQ gave us the opportunity to redress this. We choose Purple DS after evaluating the marketplace as we were looking for a flexible and efficient solution which would work with our existing print-first workflow and allowed us the flexibility to create tailor made mobile and tablet apps.”