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Pub Expo moves to Earls Court 2

After what the organisers claims was the most successful Publishing Expo to date with over 3,300 publishing professionals attending the 2010 Publishing Expo, Publishing Expo 2011 is moving to a “bigger more modern” venue.

The new venue for Publishing Expo is the North hall of Earls court 2 and the dates will be March 1st -2nd (Tuesday and Wednesday) 2011.

According to organisers, the new venue will offer a modern, spacious exhibition hall. It offers professional catering facilities, with extra seating, providing a more pleasant experience for visitors and exhibitors to network and plan their day at the show. Being on one open floor it will also be easier for visitors to navigate their way around the stands they want to visit and the seminar sessions they want to attend; as well as allowing exhibitors greater flexibility in stand build and design to offer greater opportunities to promote their presence at the show.

The popularity of the seminar theatres this year meant many people had to stand. The new venue will offer the opportunity to not only to build bigger more comfortable seminar theatres but to increase the number of theatres as well which will allow more people to attend the key sessions they want to and in a more pleasant environment.

Nick Field (pictured), event director comments, “As organisers we were acutely aware from our research and industry feedback that with the increased numbers attending the show and suppliers wanting to exhibit, Olympia 2 was not big enough or did not have the right image for the show. The move to a new modern venue, which the North Hall at Earls Court 2 certainly is, will allow us to give visitors and exhibitors a more comfortable, rewarding, and enjoyable experience.”

Earl’s Court 2 is also said to have better transport access than Olympia with West Brompton station on a main tube and national rail line plus Earls Court station on the tube line offering more flexible opportunities, making it easier for visitors to plan their day.

The organisers says that the new Earls Court floorplan will be given to those 2010 exhibitors who have already booked their stands. Once these exhibitors have secured their stands, the floorplan will be open to general sale.

For further information and a copy of the new floorplan contact Jon Howell on 0207 924 6563 or email