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Publishers stick with IPSO

IPSO this week announced that all major publishers in membership have chosen to remain part of the IPSO system for the next five years.

Publishers stick with IPSO
Matt Tee: “IPSO is now achieving far more than most thought possible.”

Under IPSO’s regulations, regulated publishers must sign up to legally enforceable contracts which oblige them to follow the standards set out in the Editors’ Code, comply with IPSO’s rulings, submit an annual compliance report and have proper complaints handling processes in place.

The announcement comes on the fifth anniversary of the regulator’s establishment.

Chief Executive of IPSO, Matt Tee, said: “Five years ago, few would have believed that we would make such determined progress in establishing effective regulation of the press. We set out to protect the public and bolster freedom of expression, and I am confident that IPSO is now achieving far more than most thought possible.”

“It is pleasing that all major publishers have chosen to remain part of IPSO – making a commitment to robust independent regulation and demonstrating that in an era of increasing disinformation and ‘fake news’, IPSO membership is a mark of quality, responsible journalism”.