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Publisher’s Toolbox enters US market

Publisher’s Toolbox have announced their latest partnership – with Clarion Events North America, the US division of Clarion Events UK.

Publisher’s Toolbox enters US market
Rich Cheary: “We are committed to defining a clear pathway for Clarion Events that puts them at the forefront of digital innovation.”

The partnership represents Publisher’s Toolbox first foray into the US, with Clarion joining a diverse portfolio that includes the likes of KM Media Group, Kent University, Bristol Sport, and the British & Irish Lions.

“We’re thrilled to welcome a progressive organisation like Clarion North America into the Publisher’s Toolbox ecosystem,” said Publisher’s Toolbox CEO Rich Cheary. “We are committed to defining a clear pathway for Clarion Events that puts them at the forefront of digital innovation.”

As part of the deal, Publisher’s Toolbox have migrated Clarion North America’s portfolio of eight websites to its AWS-powered PT digital ecosystem. This follows a strategic decision by Publisher’s Toolbox CEO Rich Cheary to leverage the firm’s status as official AWS Partners by expanding their service offering across media distribution across multiple desktop and mobile web properties.

Cheary said: “The Clarion North America Events team are progressive and dynamic in their strategic thinking, and we are excited about the digital roadmap we can travel together; to help Clarion become the most digitally enabled events businesses in the world.”

You can find out more about Publisher's Toolbox in our Publishing Services Directory.

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