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Publisher’s Toolbox launches SportMojos

PT SportSuite, a division of Publisher’s Toolbox, have launched their latest platform offering, SportMojos, to help alleviate the burden on overstressed media departments, with the aim of empowering sports clubs to collect more behind-the-scenes content.

Publisher’s Toolbox launches SportMojos
Neil Smythe: “SportMojos will allow our players to submit content seamlessly to our central content team, which is going to prove invaluable.”

The SportMojos platform means content can be collected and uploaded via a simple-to-use mobile app from private content creation teams, direct to a private, cloud-based team dashboard, allowing media managers to standardise the way they commission, collect and store media from players, coaches, fans and more, from anywhere in the world.

PT SportSuite has begun the process of rolling out the SportMojos platform to clubs across England. Hashtag United FC, a semi-professional football club based in Tilbury, Essex, is one of them

The club has almost 500,000 YouTube subscribers and almost 200,000 Twitter followers.

Hashtag United operations director Neil Smythe explained how SportMojos was helping in such unprecedented times: “With sport on hold, and our content team forced to work remotely without shared access to archive content, we’re more reliant on player contributions to keep fans engaged and in touch with the club. SportMojos will allow our players to submit content seamlessly to our central content team, which is going to prove invaluable.”

Hashtag United and their hugely successful YouTube channel are living proof, says Publisher’s Toolbox, that fans love content of all kinds, not just your typical match highlights and post-match pressers. Magic can happen on the edge of the box or on the back of the bus, and the simplicity of the SportMojos app empowers fans and players to easily submit this content.

Smythe continues: “One thing this period has shown is that a sports audience will engage with content outside of match highlights. There is an appetite to be let in behind the scenes, to hear from athletes in an authentic way.

“We’re starting to use SportMojos to help us receive and curate UGC-style social video content from players and the wider club. When you’re working remotely with multiple contributors, it really helps having a clear, simple workflow which works for all, rather than receiving content via multiple sources.”

For PT SportSuite CEO Rich Cheary, the opportunity to collaborate with Hashtag provides a perfect proof of concept for the SportMojos platform: “Hashtag United have proven time and again that they’re a progressive, savvy organisation with the ability to punch above their weight when it comes to the media game. We’re delighted to have been given the opportunity to work with an organisation that understands the value of player-driven media strategies and to ‘roadtest’ SportMojos’ ability to simplify the process of commissioning, collecting, storing and publishing this type of content.

“While we’ve been blessed to roll out this technology to bigger football organisations higher up the league pyramid, we’ve always maintained that we want to build technology and to partner with clubs of all shapes and sizes, and our work with Hashtag United is confirmation of that commitment.”

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