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Quality award treble for Archant Print team

Archant Print has retained three prestigious external accreditations for quality, environmental and health and safety standards, which it first gained three years ago.

Archant Print claims to be the first UK regional newspaper printer to have achieved the three external accreditations all at the same time. And now it has done it yet again, after passing all three with flying colours while being praised by an external assessor as “simply outstanding”.

Local councils constantly demand proof of quality, environmental and health and safety standards when Archant Print tender for new work for the presses. Retaining accreditation for major standards in all three areas at the same time, sends a strong message to customers, shareholders and the industry.

(Pictured is Clive Want with Improvement Coordinator David Arkwright and the three awards.)

These standards apply to all business sectors and are internationally recognised. To achieve accreditation a company must satisfy an external auditor it has a comprehensive business management system in place that covers all the requirements.

The accreditations are: the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (Quality Management System), the ISO 14001:2004 Standard (Environmental Management System) and the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard (Health and Safety Management system.)

Archant Print Senior Production Manager Clive Want, who led the process, said: “We believe that we are still the only regional newspaper printer in the industry to achieve and retain all three standards at the same time. It demonstrates the commitment we have in being the best in the industry and this can only be achieved through the dedication and hard work from all our staff.  

“It is all about creating the right culture at Archant Print, from the moment someone rings in for a print quote right through to delivery of the publication. We have a Print Centre and a group of people to be very proud of.”

Chris Devonport, Health, Safety and Environmental Consultant, of QED Limited, said: “Clive Want and the team at Archant Print should be very proud. At Archant's closing meeting with Dave Pontefract, Lead Auditor from URS, he calmly conceded that he could not make any recommendations for improvement - an unprecedented comment.

“What continues to impress is Archant's drive to become better at what they do. Over the past 12 months alone, Clive Want and his team have further reduced the harmful Ozone Depleting Emissions to less than 3/4 tonne. This may seem a lot but three years ago the figure was nearly 10 tonnes.

“Their drive for continual improvement has also seen their energy consumption fall significantly and their waste newsprint figures are amongst the lowest in the industry. I look forward to seeing where their innovative ideas will lead.”