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Quentin Letts joins News UK titles

News UK yesterday announced that Quentin Letts will be joining The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun.

Quentin Letts joins News UK titles

Quentin will be writing parliamentary sketches, book reviews, and magazine features for The Times, as well as appearing on Red Box podcasts and taking part in Times+ events. At The Sunday Times, he will write theatre reviews and he will also write regular columns for The Sun.

Quentin joins from the Daily Mail, where he has been parliamentary sketch writer and theatre critic for 18 years. Quentin has previously won both Columnist and Critic of the Year at the British Press Awards and in a ComRes poll earlier this year, MPs voted him their favourite print journalist.

Quentin Letts said: “It is a privilege to write for any newspaper, doubly so when it is as central to British public life as The Times, The Sunday Times or The Sun. I have had 18 busy and happy years at the Mail but am now excited to be venturing forth - and particularly to be returning to The Times, having been its New York correspondent several moons ago.”

John Witherow, editor of The Times, said: “I’m delighted to welcome Quentin back. He is one of Britain’s sharpest and funniest writers and will be a magnificent addition to our talented team, following in the fine tradition of political sketch writing at The Times.”

Martin Ivens, editor of The Sunday Times, said: “Quentin is well-known for his sharp wit, critical eye and entertaining writing, and I’m thrilled he will be joining as our theatre critic.”

Tony Gallagher, editor-in-chief of The Sun, said: “Quentin will be a fantastic addition to our already formidable team of writers and columnists. I am sure Sun readers will enjoy his unique wit and brilliant political analysis.”