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Reach creates Senior Customer Editor team

Reach announced yesterday that it has appointed 14 editors to form a Senior Customer Editor team, as part of its ongoing Customer Value Strategy.

Reach creates Senior Customer Editor team
Martin Little: “This new team will oversee the introduction of new data, technology and expertise to help our newsrooms live and breathe the customer value strategy.”

The Senior Customer Editors will serve as the bridge between Editorial and Customer teams, developing editorial products to drive customer loyalty and engagement and playing a key role in driving user registration.

The new team will continue to focus on optimising newsletters, which have been an early and strong driver for Reach’s customer registration push and which now generate 50 million page views a month across the portfolio, says Reach.

The team will also continue to work with colleagues from editorial and customer teams on a range of other initiatives designed to boost loyalty and engagement. This includes recruiting a new team of nostalgia journalists through to a content A/B testing team and a digital content optimisation team.

Audience Transformation Director Martin Little will be overseeing the changes and commented: “Over the past two years we've built many of the foundations we need for our customer value strategy to succeed. Now we’re using every tool at our disposal, including the increasingly rich data coming from the customer team, to help our editors create products and content that turn our readers into truly loyal customers and registered users.

“This new team will oversee the introduction of new data, technology and expertise to help our newsrooms live and breathe the customer value strategy and ultimately unlock the potential that a massive, loyal audience can deliver.”

Reach previously announced a target to acquire 10 million registered users by the end of 2022 and reported 6.7 million registered users at its Half Year Results in July 2021.

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