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Readly extends its agreement with Aftonbladet

Readly and Aftonbladet, Sweden's largest evening newspaper which is owned by the Schibsted Media Group, have entered into an expanded publishing collaboration.

Readly extends its agreement with Aftonbladet
Michael Fristedt: “We see great business opportunities associated with the data Readly generates.”

The new partnership means that Readly's subscribers can read both Aftonbladet and Sportbladet from 2 October. There are already six titles and weekend supplements from Aftonbladet on Readly's platform.

Within the framework of the collaboration, Aftonbladet will, in addition to expanded reach, also have access to Readly's data and advertising statistics, which today comprise 25 billion data points, says Readly. Information such as the number of unique visitors, page reading time, number of clicks on advertising links and time spent on linked websites, can contribute to the magazine's optimisation of content and advertising space.

“Several of Aftonbladet’s magazines are among the most read on Readly and we are happy that through the addition of Aftonbladet and Sportbladet we will be able to reach new readers. At the same time, this is a strategic decision where we see great business opportunities associated with the data Readly generates to better understand reader habits and behaviour,” says Michael Fristedt, business area manager at Aftonbladet.

“The collaboration between Aftonbladet and Readly has been rewarding for several years. We are looking forward to the expanded partnership where we can offer our readers the evening paper and an additional reason to use Readly every day. The demand among our readers is great and we look forward to contributing to increasing Aftonbladet's reach. With the large amount of data we make available, we also see great potential in the future to strengthen Aftonbladet's insight-based optimization of the entire business,” says Daniel Hamrin, Nordic content manager at Readly.

Earlier this year, ESI Media also joined Readly with the Evening Standard and The Independent newspapers, as well as the Austrian publisher Standard Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H. with the daily newspaper Der Standard-Kompakt. Initial data indicates that having daily and evening newspapers on the platform contributes to the daily use of Readly and also increases the reading of magazine titles, says Readly.

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