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Recycling free papers in Camden

Commuters using some of London’s busiest stations are being encouraged to 'recycle on the go' and dispose of their papers in special new recycling bins launched today by Camden Council and the capital’s two free afternoon newspapers.

In a joint initiative between Camden Council, thelondonpaper and London Lite, 70 new branded recycling bins have now been installed across the borough to encourage readers to recycle their newspapers.

The specially branded bins complete with the message - ‘Please recycle your newspaper here’ – were put in around busy commuter areas and stations, including Holborn, Euston and Tottenham Court Road.

These locations have all been chosen to ensure recycling can take place easily, allowing readers to recycle their copy after they’ve finished reading it.

Pictured (left to right) are: Cllr Chris Knight, Camden Council's executive member for the environment; Andy Guiton, head of distribution at London Lite; and Nick Hallett, head of circulation at NI Free Newspapers (thelondonpaper).

Cllr Chris Knight, Executive Member for the Environment, said: "Camden is one of the capital’s cleanest boroughs and we want to keep it that way. We hope these new bins encourage busy commuters in Camden to set an example to the rest of London by recycling their papers and make these news bins a real success."

Ian Clark, Managing Director, thelondonpaper, said: "This initiative, in partnership with Camden, further reinforces our commitment in funding and actively managing a wide range of recycling schemes across London. The 70 additional twin bins within Camden will further encourage Londoner's to be more responsible and recycle more. At thelondonpaper we know how important this is for all our readers and that's why we are always printed on 100% recycled paper and with ink that's kinder to the environment."

Andy Guiton, Head of Distribution at London Lite, said: "We are delighted to launch this recycling initiative with Camden Council. The new recycling bins will give our readers another opportunity to recycle London Lite. This new recycling initiative further reinforces our green credentials and our litter picker operation which has run since launch.London Lite is printed on 100% recycled paper with ink that won't come off on your hands."

The new recycling bins follow successful partnership work with both thelondonpaper and London Lite to curb litter in the borough. Both free papers have, says the Council, already proactively sought improvements to distribute their papers responsibly. This included undertaking a voluntary code of conduct for distributors to ensure litter caused by the papers is picked up.

About Camden Council

The Council says: “Camden Council already has 120 separate recycling bins in 90 locations across the borough.

Camden continues to be one of the cleanest boroughs in London, as measured by National Indicator 195, remaining one of the top five cleanest boroughs over the past five years.

The 2008 Camden resident survey shows 74 per cent of residents feel that the street cleaning service is either good or excellent. This figure is a six per cent increase from the 2007 level and 22 per cent higher than the London average.

The Camden Council scheme supports thelondonpaper's & London Lite's other recycling initiatives including newspaper recycling bins in Westminster, advertising campaigns and in-paper messaging to change reader behaviour.

Since the introduction of daily free newspapers in August 2006, Camden Officers have been working with major distributors who have developed voluntary codes of conduct to help minimise the amount of free literature that ends up as litter.”