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Revenue streams: have you got enough?

James Evelegh's editorial from this week's edition of InPubWeekly.

By James Evelegh

Revenue streams: have you got enough?

In 2012, Hearst Magazines president David Carey said that to make a modern publishing business successful, it takes “five or six revenue streams”. This oft-quoted observation has no doubt been at the back of many a publisher’s mind as they launched new offerings.

At InPublishing, we did have four (InPublishing magazine, this newsletter, the website and our webinar programme), but last week added a fifth! We published our first ever report – The InPublishing Guide to Paid Content Strategies, the first bit of content we’ve put a cover price on. This is a big deal for us and has been a while in the planning. I’ll confess to having felt a huge sense of relief when the first order came through. Do take a look. If you’re contemplating getting into paid-content, or want to check that your existing paid-content strategy ticks all the boxes, then please do consider, err… buying it. It’s an excellent guide, but then I would say that, wouldn’t I.

Our plan is to publish two or three such guides a year…

On the subject of the future, we’ve teamed up again with Jim Bilton of Wessenden Marketing for the annual Media Futures project (previously known as Publishing Futures). If you’re a budget holder, then I do hope you’ll get involved by completing the questionnaire. It takes about twenty minutes, but you will then be able to share in the results of this valuable benchmarking research. The survey closes tomorrow.

One final bit of housekeeping: we’ll be putting together the mailing list for the July/August issue of InPublishing magazine shortly. If you would like to be added to the free mailing list, then please register here.