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Ricochet chooses Beeline Data Services

Ricochet Media has selected Beeline Data Services to manage their data.

Ricochet chooses Beeline Data Services

Ricochet Media publishes Modern Retail, which provides news, advice and insight for the retail industry.

Ricochet will be using Beeline’s Audience Management Software to manage their data.

Director Rob Gamage says: "We need to have a single view of all our audience data to help us understand and grow our database while utilising a robust system that can make the most of the new Data Protection regulations. Beeline are proving to be the ideal partner."

MD at Beeline, Daniel Verrells, replied: "What a refreshing view of the growing independent publisher market this is when publishers like Ricochet really get the importance of good data management and use GDPR as a stimulus to improve their data and content marketing. Welcome aboard Rob."

Links / further reading: Beeline Data Services